i have a lot of mp3s (25000). rioplay with jrec is way slower retreiving songs than the rio software and even the jrec rio client. Any ideas how i can speed it up?

Hmm... my collection is only about 1000 songs so I can't really recreate this. Can you tell me exactly where it is slow? Also, when you say "rioplay w/ jrec is slower than the rio software" do you mean Rioplay & Jrec is slower than Rioplay & Rio server software? Or Rioplay & Jrec is slower than Rio player & Jrec?

when i go into artist / album / genre and select something, it goes right to the playlist (i.e. everything). is there or can there be a way to go into the detail (like the rio software detail + "play all") and select individual songs? with 25000 songs, finding one song using the title option is a scavenger hunt.

This should be coming soon as it's really starting to annoy me too =). I'm in the process of moving this week though so it might take a little while.

probably heard this one alot, but the abilty to drill from artist to album (artist/album) would be great

Agreed. This is a little complicated due to the way the server software works. As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to get a list of all the songs from a certain artist and then grab the ID3 tag for each song to determine the album name and then sort. The reason is that as far as I know, the server software doesn't have a way to query for all albums by a certain artist. Perhaps Jrec could be extended to include this functionality and then if we're talking to the real Rio server we can just fall back to doing tag lookups on all the songs or something. I'm interested in hearing other suggestions if anyone has any.

i have seen a few people mention in different places that they somehow can synchronize multiple rios (i have 3). can you do this with rioplay / jrec? how?

I'm not aware of any client that supports this yet, but I'm very close with Rioplay.

is there any way, using the rio or a browser, to see what the playlist for a rio is?

Pressing the "List" button in Rioplay will show the playlist. However if you're using Random it won't be correct since it'll randomly jump to another song after the current one. Work is starting on a web interface, though at this point it's lower priority than some of the other features mentioned above.

finally, and this is my biggest issue, can you get rioplay to accept the jrec playlists as they are prepared by jrec.

Are you talking just Playlists, or any query? I can fix playlist playing easily enough. The reason I have it sort the responses to other querys though is that in my experience, the results returned from Jrec (or even the official server, I think) are in a seemingly random order.