I've been using Emplode 2.0B13 on my PC, mainly to edit the tag information for songs on my Rio Digital Audio Center. It works pretty well for me. I do have a question to ask about the software; hopefully someone else will know the answer to this...

* For new users, the general overview of the software is that it reads in a copy of the Rio DAC database into the PC, lets you edit, make playlists, etc. Then you have to go through the "synchronize" process to send the modified database back to the Rio DAC (and only then have your changes been saved, so be careful)...

* Tip: This software seems to work best when the Rio DAC isn't doing anything else (ripping, streaming to Rio Receiver, especially when compressing - gears showing). I've had the software crash intermittently when these functions were occurring. But I've had nearly 100% success with the software when I use it and all of those functions mentioned above are not running.

* I have successfully edited and updated the tag information on all of my 6,500 songs to correct mis-spellings, capitalization issues, etc.

* But I don't see an easy way to edit Album or CD titles without going through a convoluted process. What I've done to change a few titles is click on the CD title on the left of the Emplode screen. This causes the song titles to appear on the right side of the screen. I double click on the first song, call up the edit window, and change the title of the CD. After doing that, a new CD title will appear on the left side right above or below the original one if they are close alphabetically and that one song will be in the new title. Then I highlight all the songs in the old title (on the right side) and drag them over from the right to the left into the new title and delete the old title.

Is there an easier way that I'm not seeing to change the title of a CD? There's no right-click rename feature or anything I saw, but I'm hoping that there's an easier way to do it....

Thanks for any other suggestions....Randy
Happy owner of 2 Centrals, 2 Empegs Mk2a 160GB, 1 Empeg Mk2a 60 GB, a Rio Riot, 4 Rio Receivers, and two 1GB iPod Shuffles...