I did get it from ihavetohave.it, and I have to say service from them was very good.
I like the slimp3 a lot, especially on the display front - there is no way I can use the rio from anywhere but very close - the slimp3 can display in two line mode, which means I can be a long way away - useful for the g/f, since she's got pretty bad eyesight.

On the other hand the slimp3 probably doesn't sound quite as good, is twice the price and looks a little 'homemade' (similar to the empeg mk1 in that respect).

I've not really done any critical listening to it yet, but my composer friend who has one says that it's a little 'toppy' compared to the rio.

The final plus for me was the openness of the software - the slimp3 stuff is actively under development and has some very nice features (command line interface, plugin module interface, easy web gui), so I was swayed.


Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357