Hi guys, is anyone else experiencing drop-outs? Sometimes my Rio will just stop the music for half a second or up to 2, 3 seconds before resuming. This is in the middle of listening to music for hours, not after a song selection or likewise. One culprit I have tracked down is the following (weird one):

I have the original server software running under Windows ME on a dedicated computer. It has the HPNA card for the Rio plus an Ethernet card going to a router. Now, if the Ethernet router is shut down, the drop-outs will occur more frequently and brutally, even though the Rio has nothing to do with the Ethernet at all. My guess is that somehow the Ethernet/Windows stuff is searching the network and blocking all TCP/IP traffic while doing so? Anyway, keeping the router turned on greatly improves it.

Still, occasionally I get those ugly drop-outs and they really suck. Is nobody else experiencing that? I am very hesitant to go to another server software, since Windows installation seems less than straightforward (and, shame on me, I do NOT have any LINUX box). It does not seem to coincide with anything noticeable, such as fax calls or such - the HPNA line is free of phone calls when this happens.