
Port 1099 is the "standard" port used by java for RMI (Remote Method Invocation). At startup, the tRio server registers itsself with the RMI registry that runs on this port. The web front-end then asks the RMI registry where the tRio server is and it's game-on.

Normally folks will not have an RMI registry running on their machines and so the tRio server by default creates one. It appears as if you already have one running at work.

And so you have 3 options:

1. Do nothing. Although tRio produces a dump, everything should work fine.

2. Tell tRio not to create the RMI registry. To do this, change the "create-registry" value in trio.xml to "false". This assumes that an rmi registry is already running (you can start one yourself by typing "start %JAVA_HOME%/bin/rimregistry").

3. Tell tRio to create the registry on a different port number. This way you'll have 2 registries running, but because they're on different port numbers, that's okay. To do this you need to do 2 things:
- add port="nnnn" to trio.xml right after the create-registry="true" bit (where nnnn is the port number, e.g. 11099).
- edit docs/trio-applet.htm and add the following to the <applet> tag:
<param name="rmi-port" value="nnnn"/>

Paul (the tRio guy)