I guess it might seem a little ironic posting this here, since I'm one of the people responsible for the Rio Receiver in the first place, but anyhow...

Having recently left Rio, and currently with some time on my hands, I've decided to rewrite the Rio Receiver server software in C#, using .NET.

Obviously, now that I'm not with Rio, I don't have any source code available, which makes tracking down problems quite hard.

I've run into a problem, and I'm wondering if any of the other 3rd party server authors have seen it. I've got my server running quite happily as a service. It's responding to service discovery requests (UDP requests to port 21075) correctly for the NFS server (I'm currently redirecting NFS to my Linux box, but using my server).

Something's wrong with the service discovery for HTTP. I see the request, and I punt out the response. AFAICT, this response is perfectly formatted (it's identical to what the original server sends), but, whereas with the original server, it would be followed by a connection to the HTTP server, with my new server, it's not.

My webserver is running. If I go to the URL in the service discovery response packet, I get the placeholder page from my webserver.

The Receiver itself just won't connect.

Any ideas?
-- roger