I'm running 2 rio/dell receivers, using the original Rio audio receivr manager (v 1.04) with Trio over HPNA, Windows 2000. And my HPNA card is from Netgear, I don't think it is the adapter that came with my Rio.

My problem is that everytime I reboot the receivers get a new ip. The web applet starts queuing up "disconnected" receivers left orphaned from the old receiver IPs.

Looking at the Audio Receiver Manager under "IP Congiguration", the HPNA card has the "Enable Auto Configuration" button unchecked and greyed out with the message: "this setting is not appropriate for machines that use Universal Plug and Play".

This may be a rookie question, but I searched this forum and couldn't find the answer. How do I keep the Rio Receivers from getting new IP addresses each time I reboot?


Edited by johann (05/10/2003 21:49)