Update: I finally got through my last hurdle by resetting the receiver and it recognized trio. Now I can't get the Web front end to show. I initially tried going into it, but the MSDOS box showed that it was looking for this file:

C:\Program Files\tRio-0.1.4.alpha5\bin\docs\trio-applet.htm

Problem is, with my install, I didn't have a "docs" folder within the "bin" folder. Is this something I did wrong?

Anyway, so I copied the Docs folder into the bin folder and it acts like it works (see second script below), but when I try to access the web front end again, I get a dark gray box and an error saying "class trio.applet TRioapplet not found" when I move the cursor over the gray box.

Any help please? I feel like I'm so close...

This is what I get when I try to access the Web front (before copying Docs into Bin):

RMI Registry created sucessfully on port 1099
binding rmi: rmi://
Creating sockets
Http server opening port 8090
creating udp socket. local port: 19680, timeout: 15000
Http server listening on port 8090
Got connect from /
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Starting
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Waiting for Rio to accept connection.
ip: /, port: 19682
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Rio has accepted connection. Interfac
e: /
Got http request: GET /trio-applet.htm HTTP/1.1
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Program Files\tRio-0.1.4.alpha5\bin\docs\trio-
applet.htm (The system cannot find the path specified)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.file.FileURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
at sun.net.www.protocol.file.FileURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown So
at trio.http.TRioHttpClientConnection.getOtherResource(Unknown Source)
at trio.http.TRioHttpClientConnection.processRequest(Unknown Source)
at trio.http.TRioHttpClientConnection.run(Unknown Source)

This is what I get after copying the "docs" folder into the "bin" folder:

Got http request: GET /trio-applet.htm HTTP/1.1
Got http request: GET /trio/applet/TRioApplet.class HTTP/1.1
**** getting class: jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/tRio-0.1.4.alpha5/lib/trio-0.1.
