Well, I give up for today. Here's the latest:

I tried to get the Java applet working, and couldn't get it to work for some reason. Then I loaded the Java Console, and saw that it was looking to connect to my PUBLIC IP address. Odd. I turned on DMZ, pointint to my Trio / Linux server, and bingo - Java Applet comes up. Why? I've got <rmi create-registry="true" host-name=""/> in my Trio.xml file. Odd, eh? I'm just stumped HOW it's getting my public IP address, unless it's doing a reverse DNS from my hostname.

Hmm... well, my hostname IS plymptonia.com, and that DOES resolve to my public IP address. Ugh. Yep, that was it - set my hostname to "doode.com" and got all kinds of errors. Set "hostname localhost.localdomain", and a) started up in 5 seconds (not the 5+ minutes before), no errors on startup, and the Applet works correctly. Not sure if this is a network problem on my end, a "feature", or a bug.

Dang.. now that I'm getting somewhere, I have to continue...
