I was using tRio this AM and had queued up a bunch of songs using playlists and used Random->Shuffle. It played flawlessly for about 2 hours.

Later, while the unit was still playing, I queued up a new set of tunes from playlists and removed the previous sets of tunes by selecting the previous playlists and pressing remove. I also messed around with the random settings again.

Now it reboots frequently. Sometimes it will reboot during the first song after the last reboot, other times it can play a couple of songs after the last reboot.

I am not restarting the Web front end after each reboot. I just press play, and it carries on from the song which was playing when it rebooted.

Here is the DOS box output from the last reboot:
PlayerStream (/ - streamStart()
opened contentStream. tune: How Dare You, currOffset: 0
PlayerStream (/ - sent Purge(). dataLen: 8000
PlayerStream (/ - sent Play()
Updating config file
gotContent. reqLen: 7237, actualLen: 2588
PlayerStream (/ - End Of Tune. nextTune: Speak To Me
opened contentStream. tune: Speak To Me, currOffset: 0
PlayerStream (/ - Next get: 7237
&&&& TRioUnit disconnected
ClockApp - hiding frame
PlayerApp - stopping stream
PlayerStream (/ - stopStream()
PlayerApp - hiding frame
Socket IOException sending backlight messagejava.net.SocketException: Software c
aused connection abort: socket write error
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Ending
Got connect from /
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Starting
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Waiting for Rio to accept connection. i
p: /, port: 19682
TRioUnitControlThread (/ Rio has accepted connection. Interface:

The Java console just show it as the unit disconnected.