- Are there any modified version of the original software?

No. There are only complete replacements of the original software.

- Are the "java versions" easy to install?

Some people who have installed them needed help with the configuration. Posting questions and problems to this BBS is the best place to get help. Help is usually quite forthcoming.

- Does Windows XP already have a java version that works with them?

Windows XP does not ship with a java runtime engine, so you must install the runtime engine available from Sun. I believe it can be found at www.java.com . After that any java software should theoretically work on XP.

- Are there any non-java versions that run on Windows XP?

I don't recall. The ones that people talk about most often are all written in Java as far as I know. There is also one being written in Windows Dot Net by Roger, but I don't know how far along it is.

- Are there any reviews of all the "alternatives"?

No, but perhaps someone can chime in here and give opinions?
Tony Fabris