Oh, and do the sockets stop being in use when you stop ARMGR? It's possible that something else has snaffled them -- ARMGR is quite lax about reporting errors when it can't get the sockets.

Er, other things: do you have more than one network adapter in the PC? Can you check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Diamond Multimedia\Audio Receiver Manager\1.0\Adapters registry key?

You ought to have a subkey for each adapter in your PC. Under this key is a "Bindings" variable. Check that it contains at least "http;nfs".

Also check that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Diamond Multimedia\Audio Receiver Manager\1.0\NFS key has an IMAGE FILE value in it, and that it points to the correct file. You should probably verify that the file's kosher by using "tar tf".

Next you could check the MD5 sum. On my copy (v1.03), it's:

97e2dd6ff3771cce96afa11f71ba27b1 *receiver.arf
-- roger