I told my dear sweet Tivo to tape a West Wing episode, and it dutifully did so. At least, it did so according to the data that the guide supplied it. I press play, and even though the screen says it's West Wing, what Bravo actually chose to show in that time slot was the last half of a Celebrity Poker Showdown that I'd already seen.

The episode isn't being re-shown in the current schedule of course. Please note that I'm the guy whose family, thanks to the Tivo, started watching West Wing from the beginning episode 1 when Bravo started re-showing them weekdays at 4pm...

Anyone happen to tivo these things too, and somehow miraculously happen to have Season 4 Episode 6 titled "Game On"? And miraculously have broadband capability for the thing?

I've got the script I can read, but it's just not the same...
Tony Fabris