I've got about 10,000 "songs" (includes audiobooks and a lot of classical music) and my drives are rarely spun up.

Are you using v2 or v3? Version 3 seems to be a lot more of a memory hog for me. Actually, the weird thing is sometimes is works pretty well, the drives spin down for a minute or two and then spin up for a few seconds and spin down again. But, most of the time they just seem to stay spun up. I haven't figured out what makes the difference (I don't have any audiobooks and most of my mp3s are VBRs between 160 and 200kbps), but I still suspect there is a v3 bug that keeps the drives from getting spun down some of the time.

Anyway, its not that big of a deal for me. Hard drives are pretty robust these days and they always seem to fail on me about the time that I am running out of space anyway.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration