In principle, I am very against the current implementations and ideas for DRM as regards music and its distribution. I don't download music - I buy on CD. If the CD has protection, I either get around it or return it. I want no-one to be able to tell me how I can use something that is my property.

Some of the problems with this concept and the present music landscape is:

a) How many CD's are worth buying?
b) How many stores will let you return it because you simply thought the CD sucked?

I agree with the "telling me to do what with my property". Even now, I look around and it's "upgrade your player to support DRM" so you can download the song.

That's all very nice to say for all the people at the top of that food chain who can just go out and buy another player whenever a software upgrade is required. As far as I'm concerned, I've already spent my budget allotment for my car player. Do they want me to spend the rest on their content or not?

Cripple-ware... it's all about cripple-ware... Grrr...
Empeg Mk2 in fabulous green! Green Face, Green BackLit Buttons... GREEN...