I found it. It was a song with a non-standard Genre.

I must confess I don't know exactly who is failing (Jreceiver or Trio) but here is what I do know. Jreceiver seems to be able to catalog and serve up the song. But when Trio is updating the Jukebox Artist list a SQL query like this is generated:

SELECT artist.name,COUNT(*)
FROM artist
LEFT JOIN tune ON tune.artist_id=artist.id
LEFT JOIN source ON source.id=tune.src_id
LEFT JOIN source_genre ON tune.src_id=source_genre.src_id
LEFT JOIN genre ON source_genre.genre_id=genre.id
WHERE genre.name REGEXP '' AND mime_id & 13
GROUP BY artist.name

This query fails on the REGEXP '' when it hits the bogus Genre.

Bryan: tRio 0.1.5, Jreceiver 0.2.5 running Debian Sarge AMD-K6 300mhz 128mb mem, only 5k mp3s using 15gb, 2 Dell, 2 rebadged SonicBlue DARs