So the polution is probably not from landfills, but consider this: If we continued to use old computers, we wouldn't need new ones, which would lead to less manufacturing, and thus less polution. And why do we need new computers?

Well, lets see. We now have games that rival CG effects from 10 years ago. We now have the ability to make near life like renderings for CG. We have enough computer power to squeeze 650mb or raw music down to 65 megs, and continue to push that smaller. This again something that wasn't really possible 10 years ago. That same compression technology also makes its way into set top boxes, allowing more TV channels and video on demand possible.

15 years ago, we didn't have the ability to view information with images easially. Now, I can type in hundreds of URLs to bring me sites more rich then any color newspaper or magazine. Oh, and more and more of those photos you see either online or off never touched a physical medium like film. Manipulation of a few million pixels in a few second? Someone would have laughed at you for suggesting such 15 years ago, but now people just plug in their camera, select Billy's eyes, and click a single button to take out the red eye effect.

Then we have the advancement of simulators. Would you prefer a car that was tested a few times by crashing it into a wall, or one that has done the same, but also has been smashed into walls and other objects hundreds of times in a computer as well?

I could keep going, but I think you get the point. All aspects of life can be improved with the ever constant march of technology.