It's just charging now (3 hour recommended intial charge period). My first few kudos:

1. She's wee! Slightly wider than my Motorola StarTac, but thinner and about the same length.
2. Charges from USB - excellent!
3. AC wall unit has a USB 5V/1A outlet - no need to carry 2 wires. Sweet.
4. Good pleather case - leaves top connectors & buttons exposed (headphones, power button, USB, mic(?), wheel & side button). Doesn't leave 5-way controller or screen exposed though, which seems odd. Miles above the Karma 'Felt Case O' Crap' baggie.
5. W2k did everything correctly and it shows up as a mass storage device w/o needing the CD. Joy!

Rio MM previously installed with the Karma doesn't see it, so it looks like I'll have to install something.

I'll post again later this afternoon after I've played with it a bit more.



ps: Best Buy's 2 year replacement warranty is about $40. Hopefully it won't be needed.