I noticed the Artist, Source and Year fields for that playlist had all been set to "Various" rather than left blank

It should be rolling up tags to the playlists now ... Do people prefer blank over "Various" to imply a mix? I went for Various because if you actually had all blanks vs one blank and 9 correctly filled values, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, vs having an explicit string that means mixed values lets you know for sure what's up (unless of course you have a band called "Various"). Or is there not actually a mix of artists, albums, and genres in that playlist?

because their ref counts had all be set to 0 during the sync.

OK yeah that's just wrong ... I'll try to setup this scenario.

Also, creating New Playlists do not work either....

Weird -- What does it do? I created several playlists. Can you check your console and tell me what exceptions are there? (you might need to run it java -jar jemplode.jar from a shell)

but I could not click on an entire playlist and copy that from empeg0 to empeg1

What did it do you when you tried this? You did a past and it just did nothing?

so I'm not sure if 64 is the cause.

64's pretty drastic changes, so I figured it would take a couple builds to get it going right ...