Ok this is what I got

Windows IP configuration

host name.....keith-nz77ttas5
primary dns suffix:
node type:unknown
ip routing enabled:no
wins proxy enabled:no

ethernet adapter earthlink

connection specific dns suffix:
description:intel pro/100 ve network connection
physical address:00-e0-18-38-60-d6
dhcp enabled:yes
autoconfiguration enabled:yes
ip address:
subnet mask:
default gateway:
dhcp server:
dns servers:

Ethernet adapter Empeg

connection specific dns suffix:
description:netgear fa311 fast ethernet adapter
physical address:00-02-e3-17-4b-97
dhcp enabled:no
ip address:
subnet mask:
default gateway:

thats everything its listed. could it be the subnet masks being the same? i think i tried differnt ones but still had the same problem.