What I'd like to do is to end up with the lyricised versions of the files, and then host them from my machine through BitTorrent. The 'lyrics' don't take up any appreciable size in the file, and I need to go through and edit some of the ID3 information anyway. This would probably also coincide with me setting up a BT Tracker on my web host (www.mabula.net) (BTW, does anyone use one of these and have any recommendations?)

That way downloaders don't have to do a postprocess to include the track titles. Mind you, I'd appreciate you posting up a simple howto on adding a cue sheet to a MP3 file (or at least a link to one), as I'm sure other people out there aren't going to want to download an entirely new file just to get the cue sheet.

I'll keep you posted with updates.

Have fun,


P.S. See other thread for polls and questions!
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550