On my path of dicovering how many things you can break every time you lift the playfield on a pinball machine, I am learning that some things get more broke than others.

I have made a slight cock up wiring in one of the kicker coils, this has blown a transistor on the driver board. I have struggled for years with cheap soldering Irons and Meters that just don't hack it. So I have decided that an inverstment in some decent kit is needed, just looking at Maplins, this is the sort of thing (and price range) I am looking at...

‘Blue Arrow’ UT-70B Autoranging Professional Digital Multimeter

Temperature Controlled Soldering Station

I know there has been a couple of discussions about this recently, but I want kit that will work for an assortment of tasks. Any other kit tips would be welcome, ie what solder to buy? How to clean the boards (they are quite dirty)?

These Pinball Boards are not replaceable, so I want to make sure I do the best job I can. Any Thoughts ???

