With the Airport connected to the Empeg(should the link light on the Empeg be on, it isn't)

If the link light isn't on, then that's the root of your problem. I know nothing about configuring wireless networks, but I know a bit about hooking up ethernet.

This connection either needs a crossover cable or a non-crossover cable, I don't know which. If one type doesn't work, then try the other type.

There is also the possibility that there's some kind of hardware problem, such as a bad cable or a damaged jack (perhaps caused by trying to insert a modem plug into an ethernet jack, I've had people do that in my company).

But as far as I know, that link light should light up when you plug it in, or there's no communication happening on the ethernet port. You get the link light when you plug it into your LAN, right?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris