This leads to my mixed feelings about "get out the vote" and voter registration efforts. I'm certainly all for efforts in high school civics classes to pound into people the importance of voting. But if you're in already in your 20's or older and are just too lazy to grab a registration card...

I used to vote.

For about 40 years, I never missed a chance to go to the polls and express my disapproval of the way things were being done. I doubt if I have voted for an incumbent more than half a dozen times. Ever.

But four years ago I was disenfranchised. No, I was not convicted of a felony, I didn't lose my voter registration card.

Instead, Alaska went to a closed primary system, where voters must choose to vote a Republican ticket or a Democratic ticket in the primary elections.

Alaska is a small (ppulation-wise) state. Working at a radio station, I have the chance to become personally acquainted with many of the people who run for office, and some of them I count as friends. Yet I am no longer allowed to vote against the people I choose. I have to choose all Democrats or Republicans. I don't vote against Parties. I vote against people. Or at least I used to.

My vote is a valuable thing -- and if the parties (or, in this case, Parties) involved have decided to treat me so shabbily, then they don't deserve to have it.

Fuck 'em!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"