I was also surprised, having spent the last month reading old posts, and the point is valid even if you have to figure that the folks who voted for Bartlett will likely vote for Kerry if only in desperation--this is very much an "anybody but Bush..." election. It is also part of the rhetoric of the right to suggest that anything that doesn't eagree with their world-view is liberal left-wing bias without the observation too far here. While it is interesting (and surprising) that there are so many here who support Bush,

I'd say that you, Brad, and JBjorgen, being frequent posters in this kind of discussion, do a fair job of balancing that out, but overall, you're probably right, and especially are correct about the reasons. techies tend toward the liberal end of the spectrum.

while there does seem to be a "liberal bent", no one seems to feel the need to stuff themselves into a pigeonhole and remain there. Sometimes very surprising opinions come from people unexpectedly, and there are clear instances in which those on opposite “sides” have agreed...
It's refreshing to know you're having a conversation with a thinking person rather than a machine that compiles the question, lines it up against a set of stone ideologies,

It IS refreshing, and it IS because people on this board are clearly smart enough to think for themselves. Things have gotten so polarized that some of us are meeting in the middle. I've just been discussing long-distance, (with my co-ex-wife of 33 years; that's how liberal I am...) the scarey fact that we've found ourselves agreeing with Pat Buchanan lately, at least fiscally.

As far as right/left wing media bias, I'm afraid that the media panders to whatever is popular at the moment.

Good point; our media have become so biased in one direction or the other that I now get most of my news on the net, from boards, blogs and other English-speaking newspapers around the world rather than bother sorting out the biases here...although of course everybody's got some degree of it, with enough different views one may arrive at an approximation...

Incidentally, have you heard that the West Wing is considering a GOP president to fill Bartlett's shoes? I don't know if it’d be out of an attempt to be artistically credible or simply a product of more pandering, but I wonder how its viewership will respond if that happens?

I'm not a television watcher, although I'vve seen "West Wing" with friends and enjoyed it; but I'd suspect they'd have to build a whole new viewer base, because while some, like Tony, would watch it just for the writing, many others would find the politics unpalatable..but then, the other half of the country might well fill that void...frightening how divided we've become.