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irda & ir-tools as debian packages can be found at :

BTW I've got IR-comm to work with my 7110 :>
here's how :
- install irda & ir-tools packages.
- edit /etc/irda/drivers :
- set serial device to /dev/ttyS2
- set type to infrared
- start irmanager : irmanager -d 1
- install minicom ( or another terminal emulator )
- set minicom to /dev/ircomm0 19200 8 n 1
- and off you go...

Is that enough to get it work? How can i install the packages, guess i need developer image installed on empeg? For what is the empeg irda port used now?

Sry i'm quite new to linux .. i have written only some perl and php webscripts .. thats all programming experience i have. So i guess i need "for Dummyes" style of instructions.

[email protected]

MK1 #317 - 20GB blue
Veiko [email protected] MK1 #317 - 20GB green