My latest Jim-O-Gram:

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: XM's direction?

Mr. Titlebaum, Ms. Hanson,

A few weeks ago I ordered an XM Direct along with a Timetrax USB interface as, last I looked, the XM PCR was discontinued. It arrived Thursday and today I put the antenna out on my deck and went through the motions of testing the demo channel with TimeTrax. I found the activation page for XM.

Along the way, I became curious about the progress of a few side projects like OpenXM, but what I found were broken links to pages I found through Google or on Sourceforge.

Than I found this:
(Your names and e-mail addresses were included there as you can see.)

The ID of my new XM receiver is 3CW440W2. I did not activate it today.

What I need to see from XM Radio is a clear retraction of any public statements or legal movements you have made that would limit my ability to listen to XM when and how I want and to be able to do so with whatever software best fits my needs.

I have pulled the antenna in off the deck and I will keep the XM receiver for 3 months. After that, if you see that ID activated without having publicly changed course, it is because I sold it on eBay.

The funny thing is, I am smart enough to move forward and make my own "good enough" software to do what I want to do, but I'll be damned if I am going to give XM 10 bucks a month if XM is going to behave in the fashion you seem to be at present.

Please let me know if I am not being fair on matters of fact.

Best regards,


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.