I was lucky enough to catch both of the Skinny Puppy shows here in Detroit. I saw them back in 91 and had been waiting for them to return ever since. The show was top notch. Not quite as theatrical as the Last Rights tour, but pretty good.

I thought the on-stage decapitating was in poor taste. While Skinny Puppy didn't put on as much of an anti-Bush show as the current Ministry tour making its rounds (worth missing IMO) this bit of stage work was uncalled for. In Skinny Puppy's defense though, wether it's animal rights or politics, their aim has always been to "shock". They don't mean for anyone to look at corpses on the videos and think "cool." They WANT you to be disgusted.

That said, maybe I'm just getting old then. I couldn't bring myself to dance to that kind of video display like I could back in 1991. Being 29 instead of 16 might have something to do with it.

I still liked the show however. I had been waiting so damned long to see them, and it was worth it. Rumor is that they are touring with Tool next year.

It's funny too how some bands preach about capitolism being so "evil" in interviews but then they turn around and try to sell you all sorts of carp at their merchandise booth.
Brad B.