Tell that to the soldiers killed in unarmored humvees that would have been saved if driving an armored one.

Never mind the humvees. When Alix first got over there, they had an inadequate WATER SUPPLY. Never mind whatever else they were short of or missing. And people wonder why he's not so wild about the idea of talking about his Iraq experience.

And at the very least, this guy is gonna lose all of his EARNED benefits. Instead of receiving the praise he deserves.

Then again, if I remember correctly, this administration either tried to cut, or successfully cut military benefits AFTER the shlt hit the fan. Mind you, many military families already make such awesome amounts of money they qualify for food stamps.

Very classy bunch we've got in there. But it's OK, they're protecting rich brats like myself from estate taxes, and successfully convincing those who recieve at the least no benefit from that move into thinking it's good for them too. And don't even start me on the out and out lies and gross misinformation (warning PDF file) that I'm paying to have taught to children. So sure in their path, even basic health information is something to be covered up. It's for our own good dontchaknow.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony