This guy also did acupuncture. Why not give that a try ?
Now, normally, I would NEVER have even considered it

I can add a second-hand anecdote here.

My son Fred is an accomplished bicycle racer. One time back in the '90s he was on a racing team stationed in (I think it was...) the Netherlands. He woke up one morning with such terrible back pain that he was unable to get out of bed unassisted. His coach took him to an acupuncturist who did not speak any language Fred knew how to speak.

Using sign language, Fred tried to convey to the acupuncturist that his back hurt, and became rather frustrated when the silly needle-poker started sticking pins into his feet. "No, it's my back, you dummy" or words to that effect were said.

Being thoroughly inculcated with Western medical concepts, Fred was fully aware that sticking needles in his feet wasn't going to fix his back -- so when the acupuncturist indicated to him to get up, the treatment was done, imagine Fred's amazement to find the pain was gone.

He was back on the bike that afternoon.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"