Tried to search but didn't find a good answer, other than others have had the problem.

Well, I've had my Empeg MkIIa for a few years now. Its been very good to me, generally, over the years, but I notice that some tracks have become corrupt with time. Nothing major, but it is a little disconcerting to hear a sudden <p0p> or <ScrEEch> while I am cruising down a country road. Sometimes tracks seem to have had several minuites of silence tacked onto the end!

I'm wondering why are the files getting corruped? I would think if it were the head of the disk crashing into the platter it would cause a much greater error (IE: HD failure), and AFAIK the tracks are read only when actually in the car so they shouldn't be "modified".

Another thought I have had, though it seems unlikely, is that it could be due to my IDE cable. I have had isolated "No Hard Disk Found" errors once in a great while. Could that be contributing to the cause?

Its not a huge deal, I dont mind reloading every once in a while, I would just like to have some idea of the cause!
