A few months ago, I was out installing an extension for our 3Com NBX phone system at a remote location. When I do so, I put in a SonicWall TZ170 10 Node firewall/vpn/router appliance so that the phone can communicate over a VPN connection to the home office. Well, I was in a hurry and pulled a power brick from the box of stuff I was bringing and plugged it into the SonicWall. About this time I realized that the NBX phone power brick used the same barrel connector as the SonicWall, except at 24 volts vs. 5 volts.

I'll spare you the detailed description of my feelings of complete inadequacy, but suffice it to say that I beat myself up over that one for a while. I've had it sitting on my desk here as a reminder for about 6 months and I think it's time to go.

So here's my offer: If you are qualified to diagnose what I fried (it may be as simple as a fuse somewhere, I don't know) and bring it back to life, you can have yourself a free SonicWall. Keep it, sell it for profit, do what you want with it...I don't care. I just hate for a $350 appliance to go in the garbage. Not to mention that my feelings of guilt would subside significantly if it was returned to working condition.

Here's the catch: if you can't get it to work, you must promise to give it away on this forum to someone else who thinks they can fix it or provide good reason not to (ie...the SonicWall chip is fried.) First person to fix it can keep it.

First person to PM me gets the first shot.
~ John