Maybe I was just "lucky", but I knew the ending within 5 minutes of watching in the theater. The whole movie was just painful after that.
Well I had kind of the same experience, but I think what I respected about the movie was that it wasn't all about the big reveal at the end. The theme of the movie really was about the struggle for life, fear, and letting go. Of course, I didn't necesarily agree with some of the underlying philosophies, but I can appreciate the visual depicition of the struggle. This at least sets it appart from movies like "The Sixth Sense", on which appreciation for the movie (for me at least) completely hinges on how well the audience was fooled.

Still, while I respected JL, I wasn't quite as impressed with it as I thought I'd be. The letdown of high expectations I guess.

t is not only a clever film, but really nicely delivered...
Yes it is, and I feel that more every time I see it. People's main complaint about the movie is the "gimick", and I could understand that if the whole thing weren't so well done. In fact, the movie would have been engaging and impressive without going backwards- that was a device used to tell a story well, not justify the picture's existence.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.