My variax 700 is probably the best guitar purchase I've ever made.
Interesting. I was considering purchasing one of those, but all of the feedback I've seen has been pretty lukewarm. I think a lot of musicians are purists who just don't like the Line6 approach to things. I've been VERY pleased with my Pod and Floorboard- I used the Pod exclusively in the studio when we cut our record, and I use the combo live every time we play. I hear a lot of people say "Pod is great for studio but terrible for playing live", but for me it's worked great.

My big fear with the Variax was how the feel was, not the tones. I trust LIne6 immensly due to my experience with the Pod, however I couldn't find a Variax anywhere to test drive and find out if I like the way the gutiar played. So I ended up getting a Carvin that I'm completely happy with. It plays like a dream and is very versatile in its sounds.

On a side note, one of the songs in the Easter musical we're doing for church has a sitar on it, so I told the electric guitar player he should use it as an excuse with his wife to purchas a Variax: "Hey, I need it for church". Apparently, though, he used this excuse recently to buy a new American Strat, so it won't fly at the moment. Too bad, I'd have loved a chance to mess around on one!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.