I thought the <20> bit was a red herring, it appears to come from the next byte in the packet as I've just had a value other than <20> appear and only one byte in the packet changed. I don't need it anyway, however I'll keep it in the struct for possible future use.

My time dealing with SMB has passed, mostly, but I seem to remember different <xx> numbers as meaning certain things, like <20> meant host, but <99> might mean nameserver or broadcast, or something like that. I could be remembering wrong, though.

Yeah, NetBIOS name type or some such:
<00> netbios name on the host
<03> messenger Service Name on the host
<20> name of the Server Service on the host
<1B> name of the domain master browser for subnet
<1D> name of the local master browser for subnet

Edited by wfaulk (29/03/2005 20:43)
Bitt Faulk