I am considering what it will take to have wireless commmunications when I install my car player.

The Apple airport is one option. Proxim's Symphony product line is another. (I have some of their stuff already. They have a neat coardless modem). There are others.

One of the dilemmas is that there are adaptors marked alternatly bridges or gateways. Gateways cost about 2x more than bridges. For the need at hand. (making the car player wireless) It seems, a bridge is all that's needed.

How much difference is there, functionally, between a bridge and a PC-card? Is it just the connection to the computer?

My (mis?) impression is that a bridge doesn't need to be configured. It acts as a transcevier only, passing the car players traffic directly to RF. While a gateway has its own IP address and can connect. This should make the overall setup easier.

Is there any reason why I should pay the 2x price and buy a gateway instead of the bridge?

-- Glenn
