When playing poker seriously, as an expert plays, you only play about 15-17% of your hands, maybe as many as 19-20% if you are against incredibly weak and predictable opponents and you play quite well. Most people don't have the discipline to play so few hands. Their lack of discipline and lack of self-honesty means money flows right into your bank account.
Yup, folding on most hands will absolutly destory those who never fold. It's amazing. I really don't have much talent, but it seems I'm always playing with people who never fold so I always win. So far I've been able to stay away from anyone who really knows what they're doing and I try to keep it that way. Unfortunatly, folding 80% of your hands seems to tick people off. At first they think you're quirky, and then they start complaining that you're not even participating. Of course when I end up winning they complain it was only because I "never played". You'd think they'd figure it out!

I taught my wife to play this way, and this past Christmas we played with her (highly competitive) just for chips (no money). She and I ended up with everything and everyone was angry for the rest of the weekend. Ah, family gatherings. So much fun!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.