Then I replace all HD by a 80GB. I first use the empegUpgrade.exe coming from the empeg web site (emplode 2.00 beta 13).
The problem is that my 80GB is woriking fine under windows...

Ah. then that is your problem. You didn't use the builder image. If you had, the disk wouldn't work fine under Windows. If the disk is working fine under windows, it means you didn't partition and format it with the builder image.

This means you did not follow the instructions in the Disk Upgrade guide. Start over from scratch. This time, follow the instructions in the Disk Upgrade guide to the letter. Specifically, the part about using the builder image.

What do you mean about:
press Enter in hypterterminal to the "disk appears to be already built" prompt

Carefully follow the instructions in the disk upgrade guide and it will guide you through this part.
Tony Fabris