So are you defending cops who shoot machine guns in the city with innocent pedestrians around?

No, I don't think that was his point. I think he was saying that even when he was drunk off his butt and wasn't able to see the police, he knew the international procedure for "put your hands up." And the restraint that these cops displayed, at a national monument in a city that is under threat of terror attacks, is pretty impressive. The security situation in Anytown, USA is a bit more relaxed.

As far as the DC thing goes, it appears there was no "sneaking" involved. According to the article, he had been talked to for a while with no response other than he wanted to speak to President Bush. So they moved in very slowly and you can see from the photos that the guy is looking right at the SWAT team.

What would really suck is if Bush left his suitcase at this guy's restaurant and the guy was just trying to return it!
Brad B.