Ex i shuffle everything in my deck, but every 5th song is a comedy bit off my comedy playlist.

You can do it at the moment with nested playlists. Make a playlist called "Mixture" and mark it auto-repeat. Then inside Mixture, make a playlist called "Songs" with links to all your songs or normal playlists in (i.e. drag-and-drop in emplode, don't re-upload). Mark the Songs playlist "pick 4". Then, also inside Mixture and next to Songs, make a playlist called "Snippets" with links to all your comedy snippets in. Mark the Snippets playlist "pick 1".

Then play the Mixture playlist. The empeg will pick 4 tracks from Songs, then 1 from Snippets, then 4 from Songs, then 1 from Snippets, etc...

The only disadvantage to this is that whenever it picks one (or four), it doesn't currently pay any attention to what it picked last time, so there's a small but unfortunately non-zero chance that it'll pick the same snippet twice in a row. It'd be nice to fix this in time for 1.1, but it's not simple and probably won't make the cut.
