Thanks, Tony, but that's not it (I actually already knew this, although I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed heh). I neglected to mention that yeah, I have frobbed the playlist order appropriately and *always* check the playlist order before syncing. It's sort of something I take for granted since I do it automatically, so I neglected to mention it. I also tweaked the config.ini

Actually, I just finished a LONG and extremely error-ridden fsck. After taking apart the player to troubleshoot an intermittant hard disk not found error (this is the new one I just bought) I noticed that I have one of the infamous "badly crimped" IDE cables on this new guy. I did my best bet at fixing that, then ran out of memory while fsck'ing it... went back and enabled the swap and reran it and cleaned up all the errors. Rebuilt the database, fired up jEmplode, realized that quite a few albums were missing from my playlists. Scratched my head and forced a resynch and at least my playlists sort right now (will reupload all the music I'm missing tonight).

As near as I can figure, I'm guessing that I must've gotten a dirty filesystem a while back... (maybe due to the bad hard drive connection?) and since it's an 80 gig hard drive it ran out of memory trying to fsck it, then I just kept doing more and more syncs and it just got cruftier and cruftier until finally it just started weirding out on me as a plea for help. Once I cleaned up the filesystem and let it properly rebuild everything it started acting normal again. Does that sound even remotely plausible or do I need to stick to programming and leave the hardware and sysadmin work to someone else? (smile)

I guess this might be a good reason to upgrade the memory on my player after all... I went ahead and enabled ext3 on it while I was poking around with it, once things were cleaned up and acting normally. Any major "oh no, you really shouldn't do that" issues with using ext3 on this? (I didn't completely disable the auto fsck, just moved them out to something like every 60 mounts).

-- Gary F.
Eeyore, Original Owner -- Mk II 80 Gb, Blue S/N #090000803 Tigger, 2nd Owner -- Mk IIa, 80 Gb, Blue S/N #40103789