Well, first off, you are only detecting a hard drive "b". There is no primary hard drive (hard drive "a") located in your boot log.

Is this a one disk or two disk player? If it only has one drive, check to make sure that you do not have a jumper on it to make it a slave drive. If it is a two disk system, your primary drive is not responding.

I also do not like that interrupt error near your drive check. It makes me think there might be some other problem - either a bad primary disk or a bad IDE header (since you already replaced the cable).

Also, if the builder "errored out", that is a bad sign. At best, this new drive is not partitioned. But I suspect it is more a configuration issue with a jumper or two drives conflicting.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs