The Nitrus uses a Cornice drive which has a proprietary interface - nothing like CF.

Ah okay. Highly unlikely then he'll find a replacement HD unless somebody out there has a busted screen on a Nitrus or something.

The Carbon uses a regular CF microdrive (Seagate I think). There was talk of nobbling the firmware so the drive wouldn't work in another device but judging from various articles on the net I see no evidence that this has happened.

Possibly. There were rumours that Hitachi had changed the firmware in the Microdrives they were supplying Apple and Creative but other rumours said that was just started by the people that were ripping them apart and selling them on eBay since they didn't want any competition.

Seagate sold a little USB drive thing which had one of their microdrive style cards inside. Somebody I know bought one because they wanted to use it in their Canon but found out after cracking it open that Seagate had changed the connector to a plastic ribbon cable instead.