Woohoo, time for you guys to tell me how I should spend my money.

I've currently got a linux box in my study doing a variety of tasks like mailstore, webserver, local name server, NAS and most importantly a myth backend. At the moment this is an XP3200 which is really a waste as it spends most of its time sitting doing nothing but heating the room up. I also get the feeling it's probably not doing my electricity bill any favors either. So I'd like to replace it with a mini-itx based box with a laptop drive for / and a software raid array for videos, email and NAS stored in an external box (possibly hidden away, but certainly should be detachable).

I've been looking at boards on www.linitx.com and www.mini-itx.com, is there anywhere else that's worth looking at? In terms of board requirements, an abundance of USB2.0 ports and firewire is a must. I don't think I need a particularly powerful CPU as all my myth recordings are off DVB so there's no compression to be done and the data throughput isn't huge. I've got 2 DVB-T cards which I will need to use with it, I noticed linitx do a 2-PCI riser and some of the boards explicitly state they support 2 PCI devices. Other than that I'll be relying on all the on board devices. I doubt I'll run X on it but I might make use of the audio i/o later on. I suppose gigabit ethernet might a good thing to try and future-proof it a little bit.

So, suggestions?

Andy M