The blogosphere is lighting up with comment on the Grokster case as well. There's a particularly interesting thread at ScotusBlog (although, every time I hear the Supreme Court refered to as Scotus, I start thinking about Locutus of the Borg). As best I understand it, the tech community is grasping at straws and reading tea leaves to understand the court's decision. The RIAA/MPAA crowd is taking this as a green light to sue lots of people. One interesting example is if they try to, somehow, go after BitTorrent, e.g., by going after Bram Cohen and the other dev groups that make compatible products. That will truly set up a test case where the defense will claim a "substantial noninfringing use" (i.e., the Sony defense). Before they get there, though, you can expect plenty of other lawsuits against defendants who don't look as good in court.