I wear an 9.5EEE, which is wider than "wide", so some of these comments may not apply. You are probably an E or EE, or somewhere in between. I've struggled with this my entire life and become kind of a "shoe snob".

It is NOT normal for places to sell wide shoes, because the vast majority of shoe companys simply don't make them. This really sucks. For example, there a few Cole Hann shoes that I really like, but that company does not make wide shoes.

Shoe wideners do NOT work. What happens is that shoe upper is stretched, but the sole remains the same size, and fails to support the foot and the upper. You will "walk over" these shoes, which means that you will have a big blob of shoe over the outside (usually) of the sole. This looks horrible and the shoes don't last. It is also not good for your feet.

You shouldn't buy shoes that come in "wide". You should buy shoes that come in the proper width for your foot, which will be E, EE, or EEE most likely. The designation "wide" usually means you are buying a lower quality shoe, and shoes that are made on lasts almost always use the A-EEEE designation. Similarly, ignore people when they say that a shoe "runs wide". Maybe, but not wide enough for you and me.

Buying the next size up is not the answer. Its true that these shoes will be slightly wider, but they will be too long and the arch support will be in the wrong place. Usually you'll be getting shoes 2 or more sizes too large to accomodate the width. These are uncomfortable and bad for your feet.

If you buy a pair of high-quality men's shoes, they will last 7-10 years with care. High quality shoes are somewhat expensive, but they are definitely worth the price. You will actually save quite a significant amount of money in the long run when you buy more expensive shoes. Note that expensive doesn't mean high quality, but high quality usually means expensive. Avoid designer shoes. Also, shoes made in an "Italian style" are always narrow shoes, which is too bad, because some of them are very high quality. Ferragamo is the one exception. They make some excellent shoes and a few of their styles come as wide as EE.

Avoid glued soles; stiched soles are much better. Avoid rubber soles except for winter shoes. Glued soles and rubber soles usually can not be replaced when they wear out. If you buy a high quality pair of leather shoes, you can have it re-soled several times, saving even more money. Leather also breathes, and conforms to your foot, making them much more comfortable.

Allen Edmunds are considered one of the best shoes made, and they are very reasonably priced given the quality. Allen Edmunds shoes have a cork foot bed, which conforms to the foot and makes them a semi-orthopedic design. Allen Edmunds offers shoe rebuilding services which can make a 5 year old pair like new. I think these shoes are the best value in the clothing world.

Fortunately, Allen Edmunds also makes the widest range of sizes of any shoe company I know. Some of their casual shoes are only available to a EE, but that should work for you with most styles if you're able to squeeze in to a wide.

Expect to pay about $200-$250 for a pair, less for the casual designs. Their top of the line shoe, the Leeds Codovan, is about $400, which is less expensive than most of the good quality designer shoes. It is an amazing shoe, by the way, and can be worn with jeans or a suit.

Other companies that make shoes that will fit are Johnston & Murphy, White Boot Company (custom), New Balance. In fact, for athletic shoes our only option is New Balance, so forget about even trying anything else.

Once you get a pair of shoes that fits properly, you won't be able to wear anything else. It seems outrageous to spend $200 on a pair of shoes at first, but definitely try the Allen Edmunds.

Nordstrom was initially a shoe company and they have the best selection. They carry the full line of Allen Edmunds. Try on a pair of Leeds Cordovan if you want to see how a shoe should feel.



PS: If you can afford it, the best thing to do is to get 2 pairs, use cedar shoe trees, and wear the pairs on alternate days. This gives the leather a chance to dry from perspiration. 2 pairs of the same shoe worn on alternate days will last 3-5x longer than shoes worn every day.