I have a Mark2a 60gb empeg. It has two 30gb Fujitsu (original) drives in it. I am at about 45gb at this point w/ music. The other day, I went to add another album to it, I went in my room for a bit and came out to see Emplode crashed. My player was playing but there were no playlists. I tried to sync a few times w/ emplode but it would crash each time it finished reading from the player. I gave up for the day.

The next day, I decided to try it again. This time, emplode didn't crash, and it started to add all my playlists very quickly into the player, and started to do the rest of the synchronise process. After it finished, emplode crashed and alas, I had no playlists.

I then proceeded to follow the FAQ entry to delete the databases/playlists/tags to let it rebuild. It seemed to have worked, I had playlists once again; however they are all over the place, with alot of them empty/missing entries. I've tried to rebuild about 3 times and get the same exact results each time.

Prior to this, about a week or so ago, one of the drives started clicking and then the player would say no harddisk found. I flicked the drives w/ my finger and it started back up. I'm thinking these old drives are starting to bite the dust. I'm having no errors upon bootup, it finds both drives and goes right into the player software.

Is there any way to get back to where I was? Or is this it... It's so bad i'm going to have to reload everything i'm thinking. This might be a good time to get a single 100gb drive and start over.

Thanks! (good job on the FAQ tony, it's saved me a few times)