I still have the boxes and random bits ("feelies" in Infocom-speak) for the twenty or so I bought when they came out. I don't have them for the handful that I bought as the gold/reprint editions as they came as folders without any feelies (I think there were pictures or something for the feelies that featured in the games). The rest came from the collections (I got the "Lost Treasures" collections, thus my lack of Arthur, Shogun, and Journey; LGoP I bought when it came out), which had poorly photocopied/scanned box contents as printed books and as PDFs, IIRC. (To demonstrate how bad they were, first, they were all black-and-white, and as an example, the Better Beezer loan application from Bureaucracy, which was in triplicate with different text on each duplicate only got the top duplicate copied.)
Bitt Faulk