I'm posting this here, as Rob S. asked that we keep the "Bugs In V3 A10" thread clean.

First, let me say I am just about peeing myself with joy. This would (to an extent) open up about a third of my music collection to use on the empeg. Amazing, and let me be the first to say a hearty "Thank you!" to the guys for this.

If Japanese support happens, I'll put up a poll as to how the reward gets used. If people vote for charity, then to charity it will go!

The reward was $350, but I'm gonna just say $360, and here's why:

Discussion sounds like only the "title" will be capable of Japanese. That's worth $120. Partial support, partial reward. If we get this...

...then it's worth $360.

Either way, I want the developers to decide where the money goes. That just seems right to me. After all, the reward is for providing Japanese support. If they want it to go to charity, then that is, in my mind, how they're using their reward.

EDIT: Ooops. It's "title" that would allow Japanese, from what I understand, not "artist".

260925-Full.jpg (151 downloads)

Edited by webroach (22/07/2005 17:06)