Things do slow down a bit here in August. I guess it's all the Europeans taking the month off, hanging out on the Med. I'll be gone for a couple weeks, too, so I guess I shouldn't comment. But none of this month off stuff. I'm so jealous.

My company just got acquired (which beats Ch. 11 or 7 - been there, done that). We currently use Netware (with eDirectory) and Groupwise. I know my way around Novell stuff well; I've been managing our infrastructure for 8 years, now. It's pretty much my infrastructure at this point.

The acquiring company is a Microsoft shop, and I need some training. I'm thinking MS courses 2400 (Exchange 2003), and 2277 and 2279 (Server and Active Directory, respectively). Should this get me up to speed?

And can anyone recommend a competent IT training company in the DC area?

many thanks!
